Donate Today!

Thank you very much for contributing financially to help re-elect Andrew Scheer in Regina-Qu'Appelle!

Contributions may qualify you for a tax credit on your federal income tax return as illustrated below:

Your Contribution Tax Credit Actual Cost To You
$50.00 $37.50 $12.50
$100.00 $75.00 $25.00
$400.00 $300.00 $100.00
$750.00 $475.00 $275.00
$1,700.00 (maximum) $660.00 $1040.00


Note: It is very important that you provide your full mailing address so we can mail you an official Elections Canada receipt for income tax purposes.

If you prefer to make a donation offline, please click here to download a pdf donation form that you can print at home and mail to us.